ASKWHIZZ ,what is it for?

How can the APP respond to any doubt or technological issue?

These and many other questions

can be answered by the APP

Thats what it’s for.


and Solve problems!


The Problem/Doubt or Question Arises


Install and open the APP

The download is free and runs on any system.

Place your question

And so the support begins!

Immediately you are connected to:

1 tech expert who will support you in any question or problem

One of the largest bases of technological knowledge

Artificial intelligence features that allow you to respond faster, with no waiting times and greater efficiency

Did we suceed in helping you?

If we did solve your problem, great!

If not the CHALLENGE starts!

If the chat + the remote support + the call do not solve your problem or technical question, do not despair, additional means will be triggered immediately to reach the definitive solution. If you are in a covered area, ASKWHIZZ calls a technician who will come to your home or place of work.

+ than 4 MILLION


+ than 10 MILLION

of presented solutions


Purely remote success rate!

Algum problema técnico ou dúvida por esclarecer?

Descarregue já a APP ASKWHIZZ e resolva ou esclareça a sua questão. Teste a utilidade e comprove por si a UTILIDADE!

O download é gratuito, o primeiro também! Depois, pode recorrer a todos os recursos que a acompanham sem qualquer custo.

E se quiser mantê-la sempre capaz de o ligar a centenas de técnicos REAIS, subscreva o plano “Mantenham-me a Tecnologia”

e passa a ter a sua própria e equipa técnica sempre disponível, por um valor imbatível!